
Accident In A Car Accident

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A Car Accident Lawyer Manchester NH on Proving Fault

An experienced injury lawyer Manchester NH understands that even seemingly clear-cut cases of fault in a car accident can become muddled if the matter becomes contested. Often, the only individuals involved are you and the other driver, and your ability to recover for your damages and avoid liability will turn on proving the other driver was the negligent party and not you.

Don’t Discuss the Accident
Of course, if there are any injuries, that takes priority over everything else, and you must do whatever is necessary to get the needed care. Additionally, you are required by law to exchange information with the other driver, but be careful what you say. It is quite common and very understandable to be upset and out of sorts after an accident, but your words can be used against you. For example, an injury lawyer Manchester NH can explain that even saying something as simple as, “I’m sorry,” can be misconstrued. You likely are sorry the accident occurred, but those words can be interpreted as an admission of fault. Say as little as possible to the other driver, and speak carefully to the police if they are on the scene.

Police Report
If there were injuries or significant property damage, there is a high probability the police responded, and a police report was compiled. As the party involved in a car accident, you have a right to request a copy of the accident report. In some cases, the police report will indicate a citation was issued for a traffic violation, which can be very helpful to your claim. For example, if the driver of the other car was cited for speeding or running a red light, this information is likely to lead to a conclusion that he or she was at fault in causing the accident.

Absent a citation, the police report may indicate that the other driver was in some manner careless in driving, and that was the cause of the accident. In other instances, the police report may detail the facts of the incident, such as time, weather and location without indicating if either party was negligent.

In any case, however, it is important to remember that the police report is not an absolute indicator of who is liable for the accident, but it can

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