
Achievements Of The Civil Rights Movement

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The civil rights movement was a struggle that southern blacks went through to fight for equality and the same civil rights as white people. In the years 1960-1965, their lives were filled with segregation and discrimination. They had many goals to achieve, but their right to vote was the biggest of all. Southern blacks voting rights were important in this time period because it did not follow the 15th amendment which was that “the right of citizens of the United States vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude” as seen in the article African Americans and the 15th Amendment. This movement's goal was for general equality yet “local municipalities continued to use tactics such as poll taxes, literacy tests and outright intimidation to stop people from casting free and unfettered ballots””
President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbade discrimination but southern blacks were only given a small portion of a life as a white person. Although it gave them the right to vote, they were still deprived from the privilege to vote freely with no strings attached. They used these techniques to give blacks what they asked for, yet their governments still had certain procedures most blacks were not capable of completing in order to vote. In many ways, I would understand why southern blacks believed that the Civil Rights Act was their greatest achievement because now

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