
Acquaintance Rape Research Paper

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How would you feel if you was a victim of Acquaintance rape? Acquaintance Rape destroys people’s life. It takes everything from them mentally and sometimes physically. It tears you down even though it’s different for most people.Being aware of Acquaintance Rape is important to women and for men so they know the signs and issues involved.
Acquaintance rape is not gender related its getting sexual assaulted by an acquaintance. “Acquaintance rape is a misunderstood form of criminal violence. There is a common misconception that acquaintance rape as serious, not as criminal, and not as traumata to the victim as stranger rape”(“Acquaintance”). “Acquaintance rape is a sexual assault by an individual known to the victim.Another term “date rape” is a sexual assault by an individual with whom the victim has a “dating” relationship and the content of this relationship”(“Factsheet”). Gender race or ethics have nothing do do with acquaintance rape. Nothing matters they will still do it. Victims come from all around it could be anybody at any time (“Acquaintance Rape”) . This matters because its explaining what it is and how it has nothing to do with specific details. Acquaintance rape is rape by a …show more content…

A friend,relative,parent,co-worker, or spouse anyone you know (“West”). No matter what happened it is not your fault. Weather you say yes or not under the influence it is still rape(Acquaintance rape/rape”).Strangers or not it is still not your fault. They should know better. You should not feel guilty about anything that happened(“West”). Peoples age has nothing to do with it. Saying they looked older is not an excuse(Horzepa). Somebody’s reputation is not an excuse either. Just because they had sex with somebody else does not mean they will have sex with you(Horzepa).Its explaining that your rapist could be anybody you know, or they might have another mindset an even though it happened you should not feel as if it is your

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