
Active Euthanasia

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From James Rachels’ article on active and passive euthanasia, the writer introduced the AMA statement that talks about the two kinds of euthanasia. For passive euthanasia (letting someone die), it is morally permissible in some situation. But active euthanasia, which is physician-assisted death, is not morally permissible. Doctors can retain the treatments under many circumstances, and it is not wrong if the patient dies, but the doctors can’t "kill" the patient. This is known as Conventional Doctrine on Euthanasia. But the author James Rachels thinks passive euthanasia is not any better than active euthanasia.

The definition and difference between active euthanasia (killing) and passive euthanasia (letting die) are: active euthanasia is the patient or someone else made the …show more content…

Passive euthanasia is under the same circumstance but the doctor retain the treatment that would keep patient’s life on purpose to let the patient die. The intention of passive euthanasia is to reduce harm and suffering of the patient. From the article James Rachels gave a thought experiment with Smith and Jones. The "Smith and Jones" case was about Smith and Jones would be able to get an inheritance if their 6-year-old cousin wasn’t in the way. Both of them decide to try to kill the cousin by themself, so they will be able to receive the inheritance. In one situation, Smith went after his cousin when the cousin was taking a shower and he drowned him in the bath to make the death look accidental. In another situation, Jones went after his cousin when the cousin was taking a shower, but after Jones walked into

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