
Acupuncture Vs Moxibustion

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The combinations of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion have long been used as a medicinal therapy for a variety of health conditions. During the past decade, the practice has been introduced into the western culture and more widely accepted as a holistic form of treatment. Acupuncture triggers the nervous system, while moxibustion initiates the circulatory and immune systems of the body. It’s the blending of both methods that help to intensify the treatment’s benefit and delivering remarkable results depending on the patient’s health condition. Today in a clinic setting both methods are used during the same session with a trained acupuncture practitioner. There’s a second combination of acupuncture and heat treatment being used. Acupuncture in Miami is using cupping acupuncture as a method of detoxification. The Chinese believe physical illness is a result of poor circulation of the blood. This form of treatment stimulates the blood flow to improve the body’s circulatory and immune systems. …show more content…

The legacy of acupuncture treatment uses the art of balance, working with the flow of energy in the body to treat pain and other health conditions. From a Western practitioners’ viewpoint acupuncture is an acknowledged method used to stimulate nerves, and muscles, encouraging the body’s release of natural painkillers into the blood stream. Improved circulation is noted for helping the body improve many health

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