
Adam And Nimrod Are Not Just Characters From Dante 's Work

Decent Essays

Adam and Nimrod are not just characters from Dante’s work. They both have origins in Christianity. Genesis 3 is about Adam’s sin, the first sin; disobeying the Lord caused the fall of man. Genesis 11 is about Nimrod’s sin. Nimrod was the first ruler “in the land of Shinar” (Gen 10.10). Men, migrating east, settled in Shinar and planned to construct a tower so tall, that it would reach the sky because this would “make a name for [themselves]” (Gen. 11.4). When the Lord noticed this tower, he “scattered them . . . all over the earth,” as well as “[confusing] the speech of all the world” (Gen. 11.8-9). I agree with V. Stanley Benfell; Nimrod’s sin, resulting in the fall of the language, is similar to the first sin that caused the fall of man.
Sins in the Hebrew Bible
To start with, the first man, Adam, is responsible for the original sin. Genesis 3 introduces the last creature the Lord made, the serpent (Everts 253). Though not clarified in Genesis 3, Revelations 12:9 considers the serpent to be “the devil.” The serpent tempts the first woman, Eve, to disobey the Lord. The serpent chooses Eve instead of Adam, because she is easier to manipulate (Everts 254). The Lord had allowed Adam and Eve to eat from any tree, except from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 2.16-17). Eve gave the fruit from the forbidden tree to Adam (Genesis 3.6). When the Lord discovered that the two humans had eaten the fruit he forbade them from eating, he made the serpent eat only dust, made

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