
Adam Smith and Globalization: China’s Economic Evolution Essay

Decent Essays

Globalization is not a new concept – trade, migration, market integration and capital flows have been practiced in various forms dating back centuries. China is at the epicenter of our globalized world and their success is attributed to the tenets of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. However, opponents of the globalization believe if Smith were alive today, he would be repulsed by our modern day international business strategies. The general consensus among dissenters of globalization is the misguided belief that capitalism at any level is missing the moral sentiment espoused by Smith’s philosophical viewpoints. Even though Adam Smith would acknowledge that some Chinese citizens are casualties of globalization, he would conclude the …show more content…

According to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and U.S. Bureau of Labor & Statistics, the average wages for Chinese workers in 2001 was approximately $0.58 per hour compared to $33.00 per hour for a U.S. worker. Firms facing fierce competition worldwide could not ignore the substantial differences in labor cost that gave them a comparative advantage. Adam Smith outlined a simple theory about globalization:

Labor is one of the largest and in certain sectors the most expensive component in the production of goods. Outsourcing acknowledges the labor cost to produce a particular product is cheaper if the manufacturer were to produce the same product in-house where the cost per unit is significantly higher. Stable labor costs are important for long-term revenue projections to be relied upon by managers because they are a precursor of where a company is trending financially. It is this efficiency-in-scale that confirms the benefit of the division of labor memorialized by Adam Smith. As a result of the wage disparity between the costs of American workers versus Chinese workers, hundreds of U.S. based firms relocated all or part of their operations to China, taking advantage of the inexpensive labor market and the many cost-saving incentives offered by the Chinese government.
Critics of globalization often decry about the exploitation of Chinese workers who are forced to endure harsh working condition and other violations of human rights. From

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