
Added Advantage Of YRS In Texas

Decent Essays

Proponents state that YRS saves money through added enrollment due to higher building capacity and maximizing facility usage. One track of students is on break at a time, allowing for one building to hold a larger number of students, thereby increasing student enrollment (Chaika). A study reviewing budgets and expenses of YRS in Texas showed due to added expenses including, increased administration, maintenance, teacher stipends, lunch programs, and transportation costs, savings overall have not occurred (Opheim et al.). During the summer, there is the added expense of increased air conditioning use. This cost is even higher in Southern states due to higher temperatures (Wildman et al. 465). YRS gives staff a raise if they work during intercessional …show more content…

According to the evaluation of YRS in Texas, administrator burnout is not reduced by frequent breaks. Teachers constantly work to prepare for new or continuing tracks during break, taking away personal rest time. A YR middle school principal said,“ head was spinning. I never ever had a break… There is virtually no downtime. As one track leaves, a new track comes in.” The principal has worked at a YRS for eight years. He stated that he has only taken a week-and-a-half vacation during those eight years. This further proves the horribly negative effects YRS has on administrator life (Opheim et al.). Opheim’s study of Texas’s YR schools also reveals that administrators experience an even higher burnout rate than students due to the school’s need for their continuous work. Students and teachers attend school for 180 days, but most teachers tend to work overtime for extra income (Skinner 6). The most difficult challenge for YRS teachers is preparing for a new track. They lose of personal time because if they end a track and begin a new one a few days later, they have to cram to prepare for it (Chaika). YRS schedules rarely correspond with college schedules, resulting in the prevention of YRS teachers continuing their education or taking enrichment courses at local colleges. Proponents argue that colleges in YRS areas tend to offer night courses, weekend courses, and three-week courses. If available, these …show more content…

Most unique learning opportunities are present during the summer. Consequently, YRS students lose the chance to attend summer camps and programs (Glines). Not only do the students lose the opening for more knowledge, they lose valuable life lessons from these summer activities. There are many programs such as Save our Summers (SOS) consisting of individual organizations such as Boy Scouts, YMCA, and other stakeholders in organized summer activities, that are against YRS taking away summer break (Opheim et

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