
Addressing Extreme Poverty

Decent Essays

Addressing Extreme Poverty

We entered the 21st Century with 6.6 billion people and our generation’s challenges become bigger, thus extreme poverty and global politics should be more seriously addressed in order to bring more equality and fairness in the world. Recently, the most debated issue regarding income inequality, concerns the approximate 1 billion people out of approximate 7.7 billion of today’s world population which live with almost one dollar a day. 70% of them live on the African continent and the rest are scattered between Asia and South America, according to Paul Collier in The Bottom Billion (2007). Together with Jeffrey D. Sachs, the director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, they analyze the reasons of this major poverty and try to bring remedies to it. In the beginning of his book, The End of Poverty (2005), Sachs announces a sad truth: “…more than eight million people around the world die each year because they are too poor to stay alive.” (p. 1), and makes a major appeal to our generations’ consciousness to take actions and stop this drift, which he believes it’s possible in our lifetime, more precisely, by 2025. His statement is sustained by a research he has done along the years looking at humanity’s economical and political progress in the past two hundred years that followed the Industrial Revolution, which started in Great Britain. By looking back in history, he says, we can understand how humanity managed to grow

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