
Admirable Health Care

Decent Essays

The ability to provide admirable health care on a non-judgemental and anti-discriminatory basis is a principle that has been heavily established in nursing practise and healthcare in general. It is therefore constantly being reinforced by the NMC code of 2015 which proposes that nurses and midwives have the responsibility to “act with honesty and integrity at all times, treating people fairly and without discrimination”. Additionally, the NHS Constitution (DoH 2015) states that staffs are obliged to “make sure nobody is excluded, discriminated against”. These regulations are not only applied to or for the benefits of the patients, as it also states that NHS employees have the rights to be “treated fairly, equally and free from discrimination”. …show more content…

Despite the fact that it is no longer considered as a crime or a mental illness in England, though this was shockingly abolished during the 1990’s. Nonetheless, in other parts of the world it is certainly viewed as being a criminal offence with severe punishment ranging from exclusion from all manners of society and social life, to ultimately death. Even in contemporary society, the treatment of homosexuals, bisexual, transgender and those who do not fit directly in the norm regarding their sexuality and identity has been inferior, particularly when compared to the treatment received by those who conform to binary gender roles and identities. Despite the recent changes in Law and continuous advocacy concerning LGBT rights, levels of inequality on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity is continuously reported by members of the …show more content…

This may be because the older generation tend to be more concerned with preserving tradition customs, especially concerning marriage and heterosexual relationships. As they’re more likely to have been raised during a time period where heteronormativity was the norm, they may therefore find it incredibly difficult to understand and accept same sex relations between other patients at the residential home, as it doesn’t coincide with their views. This particular barrier would be incredibly difficult to overcome as it’s seldom that patients are alone, as there’s always the presence of other patients in the residential care home. This subsequently makes it difficult for same sex couples to publically display their affection, as they may be the subject of direct or indirect gossip and

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