
Adolescence And Substance Abuse Essay

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When discussing Early onset usage of drugs/alcohol and how it is one of the best predictors of adolescent/adult drug substance abuse, we must go in deeper to the rising conflict behind why early adolescents are turning to drugs at a young age. The sayings such as "monkey see, monkey do" proclaim we are the victims to our own demise. If we are brought up in what society deems a troubled home, we are more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol. Contributing factors to this example can be seen as it being the way the individuals was taught to deal with situations through witnessing their family members abuse substance. In some cases, Children can get introduced to substance from outside factors like family friends, babysitters, etc. One thing is for sure society fails to meet the requirements of …show more content…

empowering our children to make the better choices, to feel good about themselves. To see that true beauty is from within, it spills out allowing us to have external features. Granted girls and Boys do also feel various pressures from ranging social tiers, Boys are expected to live up to a masculine figure, he should have sex while he is young to exhibit his dominance while also gaining respect from other individuals in most cases boys will be subjected to bullying and torment for not engaging in sexual activity at a young age. From the other side women as expected to live up to a "pure" Demeter while suppressing all sexuality in fear or ridicule and torment. In contrast the porn industry contributes to how we as a society deal with our sexual frustrations. We are shown beautiful women and men engaging in sexual activity, this in turn, shows us how to preform and allows us to assume how in reality sexual engagement actually plays out. However when we watch porn at a young age without much structure in as far as how they treat a sexual partner, it could and sometimes does subconsciously teach us how to obtain our sexual desires sometimes in very aggressive, inappropriate

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