
Adrian Piper

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Born on September 20, 1928 in New York City, Adrian Piper is an American conceptual artist and analytical philosopher. Her work addresses race, gender, sexuality, and ostracism in the United States. She has produced an impressive body of work spanning over a period of thirty years. Although many critics believe her work depicts her autobiography, she states it is only very personal to her. She does uses her experiences and racial issues as raw material for her artwork. Because she was raised in an upper-class black family and attended a pre-dominantly wealthy, white private school, she generates work that displays how others and herself are viewed as light-skinned blacks who can pass a white. In addition, in the 1960s and 1970s there was an …show more content…

In 1979, she was awarded the Visual Arts Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, and a Guggheim Fellowship in 1989 (Gale 10). In 1991, she became the first female African American philosophy Professor to receive academic tenure in the U.S. However, in 2008, because she refused to return to the U.S. when she was listed as a “Suspicious Traveler” on the U.S. Transportation Security Administration Watch List, Wesley College ended her “tenured full professorship” (Berger 21). In 2011, she was awarded the title of Professor Emeritus by the American Philosophical Association (Gale 10). In 2015, she was awarded the Golden Lion for the Best artist in the International Exhibit of the Venice Bunnale (Gale 10). She is a very famous artist who is still extremely …show more content…

One work is “The Mythic Being” series, and a fascinating collection of pieces that Piper created. She started it in 1973, where she addressed 1970 stereotypes of a Black Male. She dressed herself in an Afro wig and mustache, and performed in public, where she demonstrated a “third world, working class, overly hostile, black male” (Bowles 5). There are ten pieces in which she uses black and white photographs, ink, tempera, and felt-tip pens. She is the performer or character in the pieces dressed as a man. She usually includes a thought bubble, in which she writes sentences such as, “I insist that from the fact of my appearance you jumped to the wrong conclusion, as you always do. You instinctively perceive me as the enemy, and nothing I say or do is sufficient to change that. You punish me for how I look, when that is both irrelevant and out of control” (Bowles 2). Another piece says, “I embody everything you most hate and fear” (Bowles 6). She depicts a stereotypical figure who “whites [fear] meeting and whom middle-class blacks did not want to be compared with” and states that it's an “unspoken racist ideology that casts blackness as masculine, heterosexual, and menial” (Bowles 6). Piper’s work uses what she

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