
Adults Return to the Classroom

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Adults return to the classroom The growing trend of older adults going back to school has doubled over the last ten years according to Career and online employment service I have used in the past. With increasing technology changing the job market to skilled labor and the current economic crises causing loss of employment, lay offs and business closings, more and more adults are faced with finding themselves back in the classroom. As I join the many other adult students over forty going back to school and starting over with a certificate or degree for a new career all in the hopes of making more money for a better living. Pursuing a new career can be an easy call for people, whose old jobs have disappeared, forcing …show more content…

With their options, money running out, and most left with little choice other than try to get a degree in order to survive and increase their chances to earn better living or even get a job they like. Today's workers need to prepare with continuous job training, growth and development. Given the increased age, experiences and diverse lifestyles of the working population, it is understandable that adult education practices must move beyond the traditional model of teachers and learners, while new skills, working with local companies to match their needs and sending staff into factories and other workplaces to spread the word about state and federal retraining assistance. While trying to decide how to rebuild your life after loss of employment and lack of job opportunities following the current recession, or devastated from a divorce? Adult students faced with other struggles; studies have shown that older adult students face different hurdles, family problems, and poor self-image. These along with poor time management, weaker academic preparation and a need for remediation an increased focus on adult learners and their needs can help. (armour) Middle-aged women are balancing obstacles and have numerous challenges to overcome when going to college. There are work, family, and financial pressures anxiety over returning to an unfamiliar and a lack of practice when writing papers and taking exams. Older students more

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