
Advanced Placement Physics Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I have the lifetime goal of earning an advanced college degree in computer engineering and working for a company such as Google, Intel, or Microsoft. I crave the feeling of accomplishment, which creating innovative and cutting edge computer technology will bring to me. I also hope my work efforts will reward me financially. Starting in middle school I began taking advanced classes in math and science. I am especially excited with the math courses I have completed. I will be taking Advanced Placement Calculus my senior year, which will begin in a few weeks. I am moving into my second year of Advanced Placement Physics, where I relish the challenge of applying advanced concepts to real world issues. I am a member and officer of the Mu Alpha Theta National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society and the Science National Honor Society. I am also a member of the National Honor Society at my high school. In addition, I am a …show more content…

I found it a wonderful experience to witness young people being passionate towards the same fields I love. I desire to work with computers, however I plan to collaborate with organizations that get people involved with real world applications of engineering. I achieve just that on the FIRST Robotics team; I have been an officer in the club for all three years that I have been a member. I have worked approximately three hundred hours a year with the team; between the build seasons for the FIRST Robotic competitions and the volunteer work perform as a club. I attend and speak at my school district’s Career Days and I volunteer at the Career and Technology Exposition held each year. Continuing, I have taken several computer courses through my high school technologies program. I am Internet and Computing Core (IC3) Digital Literacy certified and I am preparing to test for A+ and Net+ certifications this

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