
Advantages And Achievements Of The Renaissance Period

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The Renaissance period was a time where many achievements and breakthroughs were accomplished in science and culture. One of the major achievements made during the Renaissance was Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press. Many discoveries within astronomy, such as the Heliocentric system, and great advances by Paracelsus within alchemy were key successes made during the time of the Renaissance. Through these developments within the Renaissance, the Church began to lose authority as people began to question religion and all sorts of open thinking was obtained.

The printing press, invented by German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400-1668) in the mid 15th Century, was a machine that drastically improved the advancement of science and also allowing humanism to flourish during the Renaissance period. Before the printing press, books were written by hand and once it became possible to reproduce text quickly, books could be read by many more people which revolutionised European communication. It enabled fast flow of information and encouraged the spread of new ideas which assisted people with recording and publishing their findings. Because of this, scholars were no longer dependant on the Church or wealthy patrons to allow them to read documents which resulted in an increase of scholars. This also meant that people who were once illiterate obtained a new motivation to learn to read. This lead to a more educated and inquisitive population. The printing press did not just

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