
Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Psychiatrist

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Psychiatry is often mistaken to be psychology, psychiatry does connect to psychology, but is a more rigorous area of psychology. Psychiatry focuses on mental illnesses and prescribes medicine to those who require it. Unfortunately, psychiatrists can have more mental consequences as compared to psychologists. A psychiatrist can face many difficult mental challenges such as a patient dying from a medicine they prescribed, or they begin to believe they have a mental illness. These both can take a toll on a psychiatrist and possibly drive them insane. Even though there are many dangers of becoming a psychiatrist, there also are many rewards to it too. For instances, the pay is higher than psychiatrists, observing patients as they improve their lives, and much more. Throughout my research I became aware of the mental consequences, social consequences, and rewards of becoming a psychiatrist, contributing to my desire to become a psychiatrist and apart of the medical field.
Psychiatrists often have many mental issues due to their career. As described in an article reflecting upon the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a psychiatrist, it is extremely probable that at least one patient will die due to suicide throughout the career ( This can really affect a psychiatrist psychologically since psychiatrist work closely with their patients. The psychiatrist listens to the patient's problems and provides them with assistance and medicine. Due to these relationships with every patient, discovering that a patient has committed suicide really affects psychiatrist. A psychiatrist can begin to feel guilty since they begin analyzing in which areas they could have gone wrong, and how they could have possibly prevented that suicide. Psychiatrists also face mental issues with psychoanalyzing themselves and begin noticing signals of mental disorders. This could lead to a psychiatrist to begin issuing medicine to themselves without the authorization or observation of another psychiatrist. This could lead to them overdosing on a medicine or acting strangely in order to prevent the signals from being noticed or begin to increase. These two could affect a psychiatrist mentally, a psychiatrist's close

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