
Advantages And Disadvantages Of EHR

Decent Essays

Some pitfalls EHR No system is perfect. While EHR has benefits over the traditional pen and paper it also has pitfalls. The cost of implementing Alberta’s new clinical information system over a 10-year period is estimated at approximately $1.6 billion (Office of the Auditor General of Alberta, 2017). Why are we spending all this money into building a new EHR while we already have an existing system in every province and region? Some of the disadvantages listed below will answer why there is a need for a new EHR in the province. *** Add Interoperability Interoperability is the ability of systems to work together within and across organizational boundaries (HIMSS, 2013). It is not just the ability to exchange health information but includes the ability to understand what is being executed. Some EHRs doesn’t follow the standards for compatibility and the information fails to follow the patient as the patient moves through the system(Canada Health Infoway Inc., 2006). Patients will endure repetitive tests, scans, narration of allergies and family history of chronic disease every time they switch care provider since the clinical information is trapped within the boundaries of their previous health setting. At present AHS have 1,300+ different systems in use across the province which are not efficient at exchanging and interpreting patient information(AHS, 2017). The present systems which fails talking to each other is an example of disparate and inoperable system. Hence,

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