
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Football

Decent Essays

One of the very first football games, of my freshman year that we weren’t supposed to win; however, we ended up winning by so many points that my head coach had told me to allow the opposing team’s players to tackle me while I was running the football. Although I only scored one touchdown in that game, I really had to do some “acting” when they tried to tackle me all throughout the end of the 3rd and 4th quarter.
This story is about both having a perceived advantage that became a disadvantage and a perceived a disadvantage that became a real advantage. It is true that during the fall of 1991, my football team (Little Cypress Mauriceville) was considered the underdogs as we were only a 4A school playing against a 5A school in Orange Texas. That meant their school was much larger, and I should mention our class had 1,500 students in just my school’s Freshman class alone. For years I remember being disappointed the day our head coach wouldn't allow us to run up the score on that cold Friday night. Although, years later it suddenly dawned on me that it would have been incredibly rude and may have well discouraged the other team's players from ever getting much better at the game of football (if they didn’t just up and quit the next day). Our behavior would have been simply uncouth.
If I could somehow figure out how to go back in time and explain to my younger self how running up the score would have been rude, crude and uncivilized. I would have spent less of my youth

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