
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)

Better Essays

Li-Fi (Light Fidelity)
Mian Siddique Ahmed
Associate Editor,
The Scientific Ravi
In this modern era, wireless communication has become a requisite need like water and electricity which is part of our personal as well as our professional life. When we talk about wireless communication, the first word which comes to our mind is Wi-Fi. It uses 2.4-5 GHz RF (radio frequency) to deliver internet access around a wide area. As more and more users are connected to the network, the rate of data transfer gets reduced. So when more people access wireless internet, airwaves gets clogged and it makes difficult to latch onto a reliable signal. Transmission of data is done using radio waves which is just one part of spectrum. We are totally dependent upon this very prevalent service. But it has also many …show more content…

This issue is resolved using Li-Fi as it emits no EM radiations and so there will be no interference with the monitoring equipment.

• Safe environment:
Light waves are safer than radio waves. So Li-Fi is used in those places where Wi-Fi is prohibited such as in mines and petrochemical plants. Subway stations and tunnels, commonly known as dead zones for most emergency communications will now have web access to every corner only because of Li-Fi.

• Airplanes:
Wi-Fi cannot be used efficiently in the airplanes. Li-Fi is used to limit the interference between radio frequency waves and radio of pilot. Also the passengers have to pay a huge amount of money for the "service" of dial-up speed Wi-Fi on the plane. Li-Fi could easily solve this problem. Reduction in cabling equipment leads towards lighter airplane.

• Institutions:
Now students can download teacher notes anytime from respective teacher’s blog. There will be more interaction between students with interconnectivity between hundreds of devices.

• Ocean

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