
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Vegetables

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The cultivation of vegetables out of their normal season under environment controlled conditions is known as vegetable forcing. It falls under the category of “Olericulture” which is a branch of Horticultural sciences. There are two major groups of vegetables, first one is summer vegetables and second is winter vegetables which are grown in summer and winter respectively. The main component of environment is temperature which is responsible for this classification. Second thing is frost sensitiveness. All frost sensitive vegetables are classified in summer vegetables e.g. Cucumber, Chillies, Cucurbits and Okra. These two components of environment are controlled with polythene sheets by constructing tunnels with pipes of plastic or iron. Therefore vegetable forcing is also known as “Tunnel Farming”.
In Pakistan mostly summer vegetables are cultivated in the tunnels like Tomato, Cucumber and Chillies. But this technology can be extended to the cultivation of Melons, Water melons and other horticultural products. In picture …show more content…

Its efficiency is about 80-90% which means that there is negligible water loss during cultivation which ultimately reduces irrigation expenses. Secondly there is no water availability for weeds germination because water is directly provided to root zone of all plants individually in very small drops, the soil on the sides of plants will remain without water so the seeds of weeds cannot grow due to deficiency of water. In this way labor cost reduces due to drip irrigation method. Thirdly the nutrient or fertilizer application can be done easily and more efficiently by this method than the flooding method. Fertilizers are mixed with irrigation water in the tank at controlling unit; it runs with water in the pipes and reaches directly in root zone of plants equally. Here is a picture of drip irrigation

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