
Advantages Of Cosmopolitanism

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As for the core values of the proposed cosmopolitan model (and new shape of global political order should, in our view, be cosmopolitan in nature), it is rooted in equal moral dignity of all men. Cosmopolitanism has to pledge for global democracy of individuals (but also of ethnic groups and states, at least in initial phases of reform process), where all people should ideally be authorized to participate in decision-making that would later oblige them. Differences in power (though necessary and recommended to a certain point) must be put aside when deciding and ensuring decent capabilities of every human being to follow its chosen life path. All states, individuals and groups are treated equally. Shared and widely-recognized human nature based on needs (not fixed, but ones that are to be imagined and re-defined always again) serves as a precondition for global deliberation and insitution-building, since the cosmopolitan authority may be maintained only if all individuals and groups perceive themselves as relatively equal (in the sense their dignity or worth is the same as those of others, and that they have enough material …show more content…

Also, supossed interest of future generations (not even born), as well as past generations (passed away) are taken into account, in order to avoid the presentism in democracy. Along with the separate care for natural environment and nature in itself, this makes obvious what is protected is the Life. From the standpoint of global justice and international ethics, it is useful to consider establishing just institutions as an obligation, apart from the obligation to personally do no harm to others. So, given the fact that people participate in the creation and maintenance of institutions that allow drastic negative effects on human beings (millions of people are dying of hunger, preventable diseases, the violence that can be stopped etc.), one must question their responsibility, and think of duty to

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