
Argumentative Essay: The American Dream And Race

Decent Essays

The American dream seems to be all people are taught while growing up, how America is the land of opportunity and if you truly want something you can get it. At some point during our childhood we all might have believed that the sky was our limit, when in reality it is far beyond our reach and wish it was that simple. For decades minorities have never been at the same pedestal as white americans, they are taught that if you want to make it in this world you need to work twice as hard to get half as far. The American dream now needs to be redefine where it takes in consideration how race can be an advantage and a disadvantage to others. Therefore making it impossible to survive. However, people choose to continue to believe that the American dream is accessible to all; when in fact there seems to be many obstacles one has to face when striving for the American dream for starters being a minority in a place where people are not as welcoming does have an impact towards reaching one’s goal. Poverty has affected education, thus making it unfair seeing one student is striving for their basic needs the other is risk free of all economical hardship, but are considered equally educated is cruel to see one’s struggles as an understatement. Now, if the American dreamer is a black man and is suffering from poverty he is more likely to fail vs. a privileged white man who knows nothing of these challenges.
Furthermore, there seems to be a sad reality of how uncivil American society

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