
Advantages Of Virtual Library

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What is a virtual library? The term has been defined and explained by legion different people in many different ways. It is a library where in the holdings are found in electronic stacks. It is a library that exists without involving any physical space or any location. It is a technological way to bring everything together the resources of different libraries and information services, both internal and external, all in one, so users can find whatever they need quicker and easier than the normal way of searching of books.
Sounds awesome, right? Well, the virtual library also has its hindrance and limitations. Schulyler compares the virtual library to a popsicle, stating that: “If the electricity goes off, the cold goes away - and so does the popsicle, leaving a soggy smear on the shelf where something substantial once resided. The virtual library suffers the same vulnerability and the same precarious existence." (Michael …show more content…

They usually seek for technology way than the traditional way of researching for something and the most common technology way of researching is the use of virtual library.

Virtual library only exist or can occur on computers or in the internet. According to, “The WWW Virtual Library (VL) is the oldest catalogue of the Web.It was started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML and of the Web itself, in 1991 at CERN in Geneva.” (, 2014). It was Tim Burners Lee who created and conceive the virtual library and later expanded and established by Arthur Secret.before it became a formally settled association with Gerard Manning as its Council's first chairman. Virtual library is run by volunteer that have expertise in the field of compiling articles or pages for key links. As years pass by, virtual library makes history to be the first and latest technology that provides people the privilege to browse books that are free from

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