
Affirmative Action Essay

Decent Essays

Two hundred years ago in America, being born of a certain race or gender predetermined one’s opportunities in life. African Americans were subjected to slavery and discrimination and women had very little liberty. In the present, the United States is much closer to equality, yet gender and race still play a role in life’s opportunities given the high frequency of affirmative action programs; they attempt to increase the representation of minorities on college campuses and in the office, regardless of virtue. Programs of affirmative action arouse controversy because some groups view affirmative action as a catalyst for reverse discrimination whilst other groups support affirmative action as a way to diversify society and compensate for past …show more content…

Secondly, the institution would like to seem less racist. By hiring more minorities, employers integrate different ethnicities; a company with a mixed workforce seems much more “American” than a workforce comprised solely of Caucasians (Fullinwinder)! Those in favor of affirmative action are strong believers of equal representation. Firstly, the pro-affirmative action case states that the number of minorities in the workplace should represent the percentage of minorities in the country as a whole. Next, supporters of affirmative action believe that affirmative action compensates for past exclusions. These past exclusions include the slavery of African-Americans and the forced subservience of women. Thirdly, affirmative action tries to integrate minorities into society. By giving them preferential treatment in employment, more and more minorities are attaining a higher living standard as well as introducing them to higher education. In short, those in favor of affirmative action claim that affirmative action ends the underrepresentation of minorities and assimilates them into a higher living standard (Fullinwinder). The anti-affirmative action case is based on the hypothesis of reverse discrimination. Since affirmative action urges establishments to prefer

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