
Afia's Lack Of Access To Clean Water

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A mother cradles her child. She sobs as she looks at her daughter, Afia. For months, Afia has been battling dehydration and diarrhea. She is so skinny that her ribs press through her flesh. Her mother knows that she is dying. This would not be happening if Afia had access to clean water. One billion people do not have access to safe water. Safe water is water that does not contain any bacteria or contaminants. This crisis is occurring in areas of Sub Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and parts of Latin America. The lack of access to clean water is a growing global issue which can be solved. The Janicki Omniprocessor and EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generators are two possible solutions to this problem.

To begin, millions of people around …show more content…

According to Unicef, “Two out of every ten children do not make it to their fifth birthday due to a water related illness.” This crisis is preventable and 39% of Western and Central African people should not be living like this. Life is difficult for the people that do not have clean water. ¨Women and children walk up to three hours a day to get water,¨(Unicef). “Women spend more time collecting water than anything else,” stated by Water Changes Everything. “Women and children also carry up to 40 pounds of water every trip they make to get water,” states Water and Sanitation. The information is important because they do not have a good chance to get a job or education and therefore they live in poverty with no chance of having a productive life outside of their village. There are many global problems about this crisis. “The woman and children collecting the water do not get an education because they spend all day getting the water” (Water Changes Everything). “They still do not have proper sanitation water to drink or clean water,” states the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “On an average year 1.5 million children die a year due to a water related disease,” states Water and Sanitation. This problem is solvable, and we can not allow 1.5 million children to die a year and not get an education. Research must continue in order to solve this …show more content…

This technology uses the atmosphere to make water. ¨EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs) draws water from the air, with the home/office model providing up to 7 gallons (28 liters) of clean water each day."(EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Seven gallons is enough for one family and it draws water from the air so the family does not have to do anything. “This generator will help a lot of families by collecting the water all by itself, so the family does not have to do anything,” stated by 15 Possible Solutions to Stop the Water Crisis. Also, “It has a solar panel, so it is energized by the sun,” states 15 Possible Solutions to Stop the Water Crisis. It withdraws water from the air and then provides clean drinking water by going through a water vapor system. This system is much cheaper than The Janicki Omniprocessor because it is a smaller device and it uses the environment to work. The humid environment of Africa will create the water needed for the people. Despite this technology, it is $1,400 to buy and these families survive on $1 per day. How would they raise the money to pay for

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