“”Time waits for no man” When the village of Afrail was first discovered, an enormous stone fell from the heavens. No one knew how or why it had fallen, but it seemed to possess a special power. Over time, the stone split and carved itself into an extraordinary village. This small town grew in power; it succeeded in its conquest of other areas, and advanced in science. The town of Afrail always had a prolific amount of food and goods available, so trade blossomed. Afrail created a powerful empire with a military who had a reputation of being fearless warriors. Throughout the capital extravagant and adoring buildings glimmered in the sunlight; however none were as magnificent as the vast palace of the king. The palace towered over the village, and believed to be the stairway to heaven. The building was made of the same rock as the meteor and its outer edges framed in gold and precious jewels. The palace watched over the City of Afrail, and could spot …show more content…
Due to the last war, the Anchs were almost annihilated from existence. They saw only one solution to destroy the Afrail Empire, to suspend its existence in time. The tribe circumnavigated the globe to find a sorcerer that would solve the problem. The leader found an old man who on his deathbed told him the secret. When the Anch had returned they were wiser than ever before. Desperate to put their plan in action the Anch scrambled to create their potion. The Anch tribe knew that only time itself could stop time; therefore, they found a way to transform a city into a form of time. The spell was a success; the empire transformed into one giant moving clock with a missing gear in between the cogs that ran the city. Everything was still. The adoring houses, people, and the mighty army were all a piece of an unsolved puzzle. The palace that once overlooked the empire was now a clock tower, where the missing gear was
In the late 1800s, United States was becoming a powerful industrial. Due to the growth of the nation; U.S. needed more resources for the industry. The solution was to imperialist other country. Imperialism is to expand the country power through the influence or military power. Many countries in Europe had become an imperialist nation; for example, British were in India, and the French were in Indochina. Most country around the world has been taken over by the European nation. United States realizes that if they did not get in the completion, then they would be left out. The reason United States become an imperialist nation were economy and military strength.
But over time some of these building would be torn down to make room for other uses and the some of the larger stones would be reused. Wells see’s this as another example of how life didn’t stop just continued on differently. The studies of these cities reveal that there was continuity from one generation to the next and not abrupt declines followed brilliant discoveries.
Thesis Statement: The Stonehenge is a complex work of art; as it has been built over different periods of time representing wide range of ideas and thoughts. It is a monument that encapsulates the identity of a collective society of an era. It portrays the belief and value system, status, faith, relationship with the supreme being (god), and technological knowledge of the citizens of a society that is associated with the making of the Stonehenge. The large span of time and ambiguity of the society related to the Stonehenge has made most archeological surveys uncertain and thus, creating a mystery about, why was a monument containing, just stones weighing thousands of tones, in a relatively isolated area built? What was the motivations and purpose behind building it? And, how all these elements give an account of the civilization existing around the area.
Europe during the Age of Imperialism The Age of Imperialism was a great time period throughout our history. Every nation uses imperialism to help them gain power, and conquer the world. Europe played a huge role throughout the Age of Imperialism. Europe conquered nations like China, and Africa, and gained power.
Over the course of a century, nationalism spread throughout Europe. This new patriotic breakthrough changed the way Europeans looked at themselves. Rather than associating themselves with only a small area similar to their local town or area, like they did in the past, they are now beginning to associate themselves with their country as a whole. This trend escalated around 1830s, with states becoming unified with a common language, culture, and territory. Nationalism is important to modern day history because it is through this that many countries were formed and is also the reason for how the world is today. Without nationalism, monarchs could still not be treating people the way with respect, imperialism would not have happened at the scale
Looking back over the millennium now ending, one question in particular stands out: how did the inhabitants of Western Europe, a backwater in the year 1000AD, manage to gain economic and military dominance over much of the globe? Not so long ago, the answers to this question seemed obvious: Europeans were racially superior, and besides, God wanted them to win. As historians have shed race-driven and providential views of human history, new explanations have had to be formulated. Some of these new explanations are surprising; most of them conflict at some point with each other. Imperialism has been linked to multiple theories of the actual origins of the imperialistic
The history of Morocco relevant to European colonialism begins with the Arab conquest of North Africa in the late seventh century. When the Arabs arrived, they brought with them the religion of Islam and converted the people they found there. Those people were the Berbers, who are indigenous to the region. Like the Europeans to come later, the Arabs imposed taxes on the Berbers, however the Arabs allowed the Berbers to keep the laws and customs they already had. Later, less than a century after this conquest, the Berbers revolted and regrouped into smaller, self-governed states. Islam in Morocco took different forms after that, with each state bending it to its own needs. After a period of chaos
The city that once had homed thousands and been the most economically successful country ever, was now a contaminated wasteland. The land looked dry, destroyed and lonely. The morning breeze felt like crying sorrows, and the grey deceitful sky awed down at us. In the deepest corner of despair lies dystopia where hope dies. As someone looks through the eyes of the devil, they see his utopia. Only visible by the dim light of the moon was the great wall. Beyond the wall? No one knew. Stretching away from the wall was a humongous bridge that towered the wall. Standing tall on the bridge was a tower, which had two circles that almost looked like eyes. Those mysterious, creepy and dangerous looking eyes stared down at the city giving away a haunting look.
"After what seems like hours meandering through the cryptic woodlands, the road takes a sudden turn to the east and a castle looms ahead. The sight before you is barbaric, with aging towers of stone and the reek of decay present all around you. Eyes seem to follow you, keeping a silent watch over
The reasoning behind the need for the tower is unclear and when the story states “so that we make a name for ourselves” it makes me question why the people have a need to be admired when they are the only ones on Earth and they live harmoniously. When the people of Shinar mentioned that they wanted to reach the heavens that resonated with me because the story could be a metaphorical way of mankind trying to get closer to God by ways he did not command them to. It is known in the Bible that God would rather worshippers become closer to him by being pious rather than becoming closer through physical proximity. There is symbolism in the story of God being above Earth in the heavens. Trying to ridicule God and being prideful led the people to their demise. Averroes’ advice is useful because this story reveals messages to future generations about the wrath of God. Some believe the tower should be interpreted as being a Ziggurat which was a tower built next to temples so God could come down. This idea of an immortal supreme God coming down from the heavens when images of him are forbidden in the Old testament sounds contradictory. However, the ability of God coming down is made clear to be a literal event when the bible says “the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building”. Averroes may have believed that the idea of seeing an everlasting God coming down to Earth as a logical contradiction since all living things on earth die. In this short story, every verse must be considered for meaning. When the story stated “they used brick instead of stone” I believe it was a metaphor for the attraction the humans had to man-made items rather than what God has naturally given to them. The attraction for brick could be a metaphor of the vain attitude by disregarding God’s
The monuments of an “intellectual age” like the Palace of Green Porcelain, are “deserted and falling into ruin.”(92), emphasizing decay. The palace-like buildings are all in need of maintenance and seem to be disproportionally large. The Eloi have obviously not built the palace-like buildings themselves, but the people who built them have disappeared, this further confirms the world in decay. The fact that their entire society has decayed, along with the buildings that were once so highly valued and such a symbol of their wealth, is linked to this utter inability to work or suffer hardship or deal with crises. Thus the ruins come to symbolize their
Entering two wagons abreast, Cross followed, staring at the city’s eroded stone walls, unable to decipher the carvings that the dwarves were so well-known, illegible now, and sadden by the knowledge that the stories they once told, forever lost to the Dwarven culture and the elements. Slowly crumbling, the city further burdened its residents with the hard choice to stay and rebuild the illustrious city and risk death from collapsing buildings or take your chances on the Exiles’ Path.
The year is 2020, the world is no longer occupied in the same way it once was. The world has changed dramatically; three large factions now fight for control of the world. The EU holds claim to all of Europe, the Chinese Federation holds sway over most of Asia excluding Japan, and the Western Empire controls all other provinces. Among these three forces the Western Empire hails as the strongest. The emperor ruler of the Western Empire has many children who continuously fight for their claim to the throne. There was also a plague crippling the power of the Chinese Federation.
Haru reached the surface as he stared at the grey sky. What he knew before as a vibrant city, bustling with life was now no more than rubble and ashes. The air in the city was stale, choking him every time he breathed. There was no life present in this city, not a single living thing. Most of his city looked this way, looking as if everything people strove to achieve was demolished right in front of their eyes in an instant.
Picture a controversial prehistoric landmark being flooded with tourist, due to its great attraction. “The stones are great; And magic power they have; Men that are sick; Fare to that stone; and they wash that stone; and with that water bathe away their sickness,” said Layamon. This quote thoroughly explains the recognition Stonehenge gets from visitors. From historians to interested students, the presence of Stonehenge in southern England has captivated the sights of many, for various reasons. The history, physical aspect, and tourist cause Stonehenge to be as memorable as people describe it to be. The mysterious yet intriguing area has become one of the most unique spots in England. With no concrete idea on how Stonehenge was built and for what purpose, it leaves many to theorize about Stonehenge.