
African American Identity And Identity Essay

Decent Essays

The perception of a particular race and its capabilities plays a vital role in determining its identity. For African Americans, their identity was equivalent to property that is the source of profit and further riches. African Americans had not been considered human until slavery was abolished, which was the first step of many in obtaining the same rights as any other race. After the emotional turmoil that is being treated as objects, and persevering when segregation was enforced, African Americans now have the same rights as every single American citizen. Their identity was that of property, and after abolition, their identity remained inferior to that of whites, and currently, their identity is soaring due to established equal rights. …show more content…

During the 1900s, inferiority remained plastered on the flesh of African Americans, and the jim crow laws enforced segregation as a myriad of white women and men peered at African Americans with absolute disgust. “Color alone here is the badge of distinction,” but this particular distinction was considered revolting for much of America. Similar to the black codes enforced to limit the freedom of African Americans before the end of the reconstruction of 1877, the Jim Crow Laws limited equality upon all races in America despite confirmed citizenship. This concept of separate but equal was pointless considering that separation was enforced, yet equality wasn’t. The facilities for both races were most definitely kept separate, yet upon first glance, it is relatively easy to determine that the quality of African American's facilities was considerably less than that of whites. In this age of segregation, inferiority was preserved because African Americans were identified as subhuman, inferior beings that did not belong on the same status as whites. Because of this unfair treatment, the civil rights movement would emerge in 1954 until 1968 and would lead to the abolishment of jim crow laws in 1964, and the voting rights act of 1965. In the 21st century, African Americans are finally seen as equal to every race. Currently, every American citizen has equal rights

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