
African American Literature

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African-American Influence on American literature African American literature can be summarized as the writings of authors from African descent. In the United States, African descendents have had very different experiences from each others depending on where they lived. In the southern states of the United States, Blacks have been really oppressed until the Civil War, with the big part being illiterate well into the end of 1800. In the northern states ,Blacks had a considerable greater freedom, and with the end of the Civil War, a new and educated African American social class emerged. African American literature was influenced by these factors, and it varied greatly but it always held undeniable similarities, circling the Black …show more content…

It became obvious to the African American population that they would not be able to equalize themselves with the White population, simply because they were not equals. Blacks had a strong sense of heritage that was linked to Africa, and their history in America had worked to make them into different Americans, with their own particular desires, folklore and culture.
It was only in the 1920's that a new literature genre that had been appearing gradually would be classified and identified as an African-American literature. The movement that promoted this new notion of a literature that had its foundation built on the African American experience was the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance marked a historical period in African American history. This movement offered the African American community an active voice, a way through which the African American community could for the first time transport to the greater America their history, life, culture and afflictions. The most important publishers and critics for the first time took African American literature seriously, and with this recognition came national attention and notoriety. No longer was the rich African American literature for his own community, this literature gained momentum and established the African American community as part of America. The Harlem Renaissance was made possible by a change in the social status of African Americans.

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