
African Americans During Ww2 Essay

Decent Essays

Women once again were the backbone of America during WWII just like in WWI. They worked high jobs reserved for men and some women helped create machines that would help in the war (ships, tanks, planes, etc.). Agricultural took a backburner because many left their jobs to either fight in the war or work in jobs that would provide for the war. Although the jobs for women didn’t last long and they didn’t get paid as much it set in motion more encouragement for Women’s Suffrage. African Americans also moved from farming to more industrialized jobs because they believed that winning the war might encourage more equality in America itself. African-Americans could earn more money and FDR passed the FEPC (Fair Employment Practices Commission) but it was not practiced much in the armed forces. In the armed forces African-Americans were given small jobs and not properly trained for higher jobs if they got one. The FEPC called for the armed forces to give out …show more content…

War department kept different races separated because it was something they were already use to. They also contested that trying to integrate races might cause danger and an inefficient to perform. At home, the NAACP had a different opinion. They thought by creating mixed races units morale would be better overall. I believe they also hoped that by doing this is might transition over into the home front. Mexican Americans also felt a change during WWII, they came in as immigrant workers for farming. We also start seeing more of their culture here as they wore Zoot Suit they were seen to be against the war. Since this was thought Mexican Americans started facing even more discrimination. The worst part of the home front was for the Japanese. For those trying the flee war they were not allowed to into the US and those who lived in America had to give up everything that they knew to more into an internment camp. Civil rights for minorities were challenged and disregarded in

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