
African Women 's Liberation Theology Essay

Decent Essays

DISSERTATION AFRICAN WOMEN IN LIBERATION THEOLOGY Literature Review Liberation theology is the fulfilment and deliverance of theology from the instance of positioning it in real situations in life into the centre of the battle. Liberation theology desires to bring excessive religious zeal which fails to identify the quality of declaring God who created all man equal but is disinterested about their existence. McCall says “Liberation theology represents attempts to move theology from the abstract to practical life situations, to call attention to the social implications of the gospel that have generally been ignored by western nations”. In this thesis, I want to review a couple of books written which gives a search light to what I am going to explore the experience of African women in relation to liberation theology. Introducing Womanist Theology by Stephannie Y. Mitchem (Published by Orbis Books, P.O. Box 308, Mary knoll, N.Y. 10545-0308 The summary of this book reflect the social and political facts of human societies. Each theology expands, changing as human social and political events that determine liberation theology as a reflection of humanity and illustrates the variety of ways that people encounter the divine. Womanist actually saw theology as “God talk”, the method of thanking God holds the human scope. For womanist, “God talk” must accomplish both words and actions in divine to human. This development distinguishes the ideology of theology as a study of God which

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