
Against Drinking Bottled Water

Decent Essays

Have you ever been thirsty and wanted some water? You went to a store and bought plastic bottled water, drank it and threw it away? But, did you know bottled water is bought hundreds of thousands of times about every day? I am against drinking bottled water because I think that it’s hurting animals, costing 2000 times more than tap water, and making global warming worse. Buying bottled water can lead to huge consequences and it will affect us desperately.
The first reason for why I am against bottled water is that bottled water is that it is killing animals. Many sea animals/animals are dying because of these plastic bottles. People just drink them and throw them away properly or they just throw it on the ground. Sea Animals/Animals think it’s …show more content…

Tap water is basically like free! Just find a drinking fountain, press a button and there! You can only get bottled water by going to a store and buying it. For example, many of the bottled water brands say that “Our water has fresh taste and is cheap.” That’s not true, it’s 2,000 times more expensive, and it doesn’t even taste good anyways. Did you know that the plastic on the bottle costs more than the water inside the bottle? This is like getting water, but you’re paying more for it because of the “plastic” on it.This is way more expensive, and tap water is way better and cheaper. There really is no reason to buy bottled water, if you can get it way easier from your home’s sink then going to a store and purchasing a plastic bottle 2000 times the price of tap water. Did you remember how I said that bottled water brands were trying to convince you to buy their water? Most of their water is just filtered tap water inside a plastic bottle! According to Annie Leonard, an American proponent, “Bottled water costs 2000 times more than tap water. Can you imagine paying 2000 times the price of anything else? How about a $10,000 sandwich?” It isn’t smart to buy something more expensive when you can get it for about free. This is like getting a sandwich but 2000 times the price of a normal sandwich. This is like bottled water being 2000 times more expensive than tap

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