
Age Discrimination In America

Decent Essays

In America there are a lot of things we do that people disagree with. Some issues are not well know as others. Many people do not know how big of a problem age discrimination is. The issue has had such an impact that there is an Act protecting people from age discrimination. The Act, as subsequently amended, forbids employers to discriminate on grounds of age against any employee aged 40 or over. Some of the reasons why age discrimination needs to be brought to light even after the act is because, there are still cases of older people being harassed because of their age ,or being passed over for promotions. Many employers see their older workers as someone who just comes in but they think of the younger workers as go getters that will do …show more content…

Studies have been done showing that as years go by the age of youth that will enjoy the company of older people has lowered. In the 90s younger kids would want to be around elders, but as the kids got older they wanted to spend time with the elders less and less. The finding that children become more ageist with age was confirmed by a study that compared 4- and 5-year-olds in 1997. Some people would say that all older people always have the higher level jobs making my arguments null. There are actually only so many manager jobs in the world and many older people that work have been in there position for a long time. When a manager stops working coinciding with earlier arguments the younger employe is the one that will receive the promotion. This issue is not brought to attention enough because by the time it starts to affect you don’t quite mind as much. Even though older workers may not mind or notice this happening doesn’t mean that it is not a big issue. One day when we are their age we would want to be treated how were when we were young or even

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