
Aging, Death, And Dying

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The goal of a research paper is to obtain different views and facts about a certain topic. Aging, death, and dying is an extremely broad topic with ample of books, movies, pieces of art, and even television shows. Edgar Allan Poe 's "For Annie" happens to be one piece that relates to the topic of aging, death, and dying. An analysis opens up the background of Edgar Allan Poe, the meaning of the piece as a whole, and the different views of the piece.
Edgar Allan Poe was born January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. His parents were both known actors. Poe was a fiction writer, a critic, and a poet. He writes in a unique and dark way with emotion and drama. His works have a theme that occurs continuously with death, lost love or both (Silverman). He is different from other poets. Poe is very well-known by people all over the world. When people think of Poe, they think of a mad man or someone that is insane. Poe is known for his troubled mind, afflicted by alcoholism and bipolar affective disorder (De Oliveira 84). Events in his life are more than likely the reason he writes in the style he does. His works are unlike many others. Poems by Poe have strange characters and even more strange story lines. Stories by Poe are more terror and his poems are more haunting or odd (Silverman).
While reading this poem you have to take into consideration the type of writer Poe is. He is known for his gloomy or dark writing. It is a different writing style. The way he explains the emotions

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