
Aging Reflection

Decent Essays

Aging Reflection

Part 1:
1:At this point in your life, what do you value most? At this point in my life, i would like to say that i value my happiness most in life. In my mind, I mean happiness can mean a lot of different things, and the definition may vary from one person to another.As for me, I mean this happiness means different things for me, such as, i hope my parents have good health, i hope my friends happy everyday and so many things around me. I honestly wish that were the case. Over the past year, i have had a significant amount of time to think about why i feel the way i do about the components of my life, i always ask myself what do i want through my life. In doing so i believe that my family is my most valuable entity. …show more content…

Why or why not? In my life, i think i am not similar to that of my parents. As i am 21 years old, i would like to say happiness is the most valuable thing in my past years. I did not know what the most important thing in my happiness is. So I always ask myself “what is happiness for me?”This is one of the huge different between my life and my parents life. I want to say my parents are more considered about how to become successful when them are 20s. Maybe them will lose much time to care about them own happiness. Why it is difference? Because of aging difference will cause different perception to look forward everything. One thing i need to change which is i need to pay more attention on my own health, perhaps when i was 30s i need to know why health is important for me, and then make a real plans to improve a quality of my life. In my own direction, learn something about strength of my parent's life and change something weakness in order to make life comfort.
5:What do you think are the keys to a happy and satisfying life? A person's age is something impressive, it sums up his life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, griefs and despairs overcome, and unconscious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgotten things, loves. A person's age represents a fine cargo of experiences and memories. According to all of these things, if you ask me what is the keys to a happy and

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