
Agrarianism: An Ideology Of The National FFA Organization

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Martin, M. J., & Kitchel, T. (2013). Agrarianism: An ideology of the national FFA organization. Journal of Agricultural Education, 54(3), 28. doi:10.5032/jae.2013.03028

Michael J. Martin and Tracy Kitchel study the effects of the agrarian ideology in the National FFA organization specifically, southern agrarianism. The national FFA organization's’ foundation is farming and the national FFA prides itself in its roots and traditions. The Jacket, ceremonies and all values and beliefs of the FFA program originate from the ideal of southern agrarianism creating a narrow scope of memberships. For students who identify with southern farming values, the national FFA program is easy to identify with. Students coming from urban areas …show more content…

This source also has helped me in understanding the disconnection between what is believed to limitate urban student involvement and the actual source of their lack of involvement. This source helps in shaping my argument in that there is not one simple solution to the lack of involvement in urban students, but a lot of trial and error will have to be executed to find a true solution. Before reading this article my preconceived ideas aligned with the reasons that researchers believed hindered urban student involvement, but this article has helped me to understand the complexity of the situation at …show more content…

Myers, Lisa M. Breja and James E. Dyer work to discover the problems that agriculture education teachers face in recruiting students. Myers, Breja and Dyer identify several problems facing agriculture education teachers in recruitment and retention of students. Some of the issues facing agricultural education include quality teachers, quality students, ways of incorporating science and technology into agriculture, the perceived ideas of agriculture and many others. Identifying solutions to these issues can improve agriculture education nation wide.

This source is a useful source in understanding issues that a majority of agricultural education programs face. This source differs from the other sources within my bibliography because it deals with agriculture education as a whole and not just urban agriculture education programs. This source could be biased in that the definition of a quality student could differ from person to person but the problems identified are generally unbiased. “The purpose of this source was to identify workable solutions to problems experienced in recruiting students into secondary agricultural education

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