
Air And Air Pollution

Decent Essays

Air and air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Air and air pollution can cause from car emission, chemical, dust, air planes, and pollen. What cause the air to be bad pollution is factories machines and energy that everyone is using. Air can be fresh and bad air depend on the work that we do. The solution that cause and effect the air to be bad is that the gases of the car, planes, chemical gases, and factories makes the air to be bad because the person that is doing it might did something wrong. Some air can different and smell different. It could be poison or cause

human to breathe hard. Air pollution can be bad when the air is not right and it changes. The gases of the air can harmful animals, human, and plant. It could kill us if you have hard time to breathe and smell. It could increase and decrease the gases anytime. Factories air problem is that the air can cause an effect to the fresh air to be bad, like dust, gases, and smoke. It could be very different about air and air pollution talking about good and bad air.

Air pollution about factories, industries, indoors, outdoor, global warming, and acid. These are the topic that you will need to know about air pollution and what cause air to be bad. When factories burns something such as fossil fuel it can cause the air to be bad and can harmful people, animals, and plants. Factories and industries release lots of amount carbon monoxide and chemical to the air

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