
Alchemy Research Paper

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Alchemy has no clear origin, and is as old as religion itself. Although it has no clear origin the

earliest known recording of alchemy is in china, Egypt, and Indian alchemy. Zoismos of panoplis ( a very

famous alchemist) belived alchemy originated in pharanic Egypt where it was used by the priestly class.

Chinese alchemy has an unknown origin as well, but archeologist and historians belive that

Chinese alchemy is branched off Daoist religions and practices. The China’s alchemy was mainly focused

on the body by healing and increasing lifetimes.

There are two kinds of Chinese alchemy Waidan (referring to outside) focuses on the creation of

“elixirs and potions” with ingredients found outside the body. This branch is really just …show more content…

At this time

Christianity was emerging and was peacefully coexisting with the alchemist. It is belived that Hermes

predicted its birth Augustine later affirmed this, but Also condemned Hermes for idolatry.

European alchemy was introduced by a book called composition of alchemy in the early

11hundreds. Although technicians already existed in Europe they had never heard of alchemy. When

Robert of chesters translated the Arabian books there were no alchemist in Latin Europe. When he

translated the books new words were added to the euro-Latin language like alcohol, carbon, and elixir.

After the release of these books, theologians made strides towards the reconciliation of faith, and

experimental rationalism. Later St Anselm believed that Christianity was compatible with alchemy and

rationalism. Roger bacon translated and wrote more books in the twelfth century, he greatly wrote

about how morality, salvation, and the prolongation of human life, and how they could be integrated


In the thirteenth century western alchemy had developed more beliefs, they believed that if …show more content…

Also in the fourteenth century alchemist were being depicted as thieves, and

Satanist by Dante, piers plowman and chauncer (famous painters). At that time it was illegal to promise

false hope in creating gold by pseudo alchemist, this law was passed by pope John xxll in 1317. Later in

1403 Henry lV of England also banned the practice of multiplying metals, but they were able to buy a

license to do so. Nicholas flamel wrote mainly about the product of the philosophers stone, when he

wrote about his alchemy he always wrote down the ingredients, and the outcome but he never wrote

on how he preformed his transmutation. Flame also dedicated his life in the pursuit of the old

knowledge of alchemy and espessialy books on the philosophers stone.

Alchemy in the renaissance was even more influential to our lives because during the

renaissance a man named Philippus Aurelolus Paracelsus proposed the theory that humans needed

certain balances of minerals are in the human body and that certain minerals can be used to cure many

alements. He also pioneered the use of chemicals and minerals in medicine. Also there was a huge,

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