
Alcoholism In The Black Cat By Edgar Allen Poe

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“Studies show that alcohol use is involved in one-half of all murders, accidental deaths, and suicides” (Richards 5). Alcohol is a substance that can be used to have fun or have a good time. However, it can also be easily abused. If people have an addiction where they cannot stop drinking alcohol, it is known as alcoholism, while the victims are known as alcoholics. Alcoholism is more serious than people realize: “Unless an alcoholic receive hospitalization or some other sort of therapy, the final stages of alcoholism are insanity and death” (Richards 33). Sadly, this disease is present today as it was in the past, such as when Edgar Allen Poe wrote the short story, “The Black Cat”. The narrator of this story admits to drinking, as alcohol …show more content…

Alcohol can prevent people from thinking the way they normally would. This may cause them to perform unusual, wrong, and even unlawful actions, such as driving while intoxicated, or assaulting someone. Alcohol is a big part in crime, as “alcohol use is involved in one-half of all murders, accidental deaths, and suicides.” The United States Department of Justice found that “Alcohol abuse was a factor in 40 percent of violent crimes committed in the United States” (Richards 5). Likewise, in “The Black Cat,” the narrator is no stranger to violence. One day, while going to the cellar with his wife, he man was finally pushed over the limit by his second black cat. The cat followed him up to the cellar, in which “nearly throwing me headlong, exasperated me to madness.” He then took an axe and “aimed a blow at the animal, which, of course, would have proved instantly fatal.” However, he was stopped by “the hand of my wife.”Aggravated by this, he went into “a rage more than demonical.” He then withdrew his arm from her grasp and “buried the axe in her brain” (Poe 6). The man was aggravated and irritated, one of the side effects of alcohol. His anger completely clouded his mind, as well as his ability to reason. This sent him into a rage,in which he killed his wife. The man was corrupted by alcohol, which made him commit a murder. He does not even feel a pang of guilt; he just goes about concealing the …show more content…

His behavior as a whole changes, as he becomes more violent and irritated. Furthermore, his violent and irritated behavior leads to him killing his own wife. It is clear that the dangers of alcohol were present in the past, as it still is today. But as alcohol abuse become more and more common as today, think about how will it change the future behavior and lives of those who come after us. What a horrendous future that would

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