
Alex Gibney’s Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer

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Criminal and deviant behavior is not always inherently part of an individuals nature, it is learned. It’s not inherited or a result of a biological condition. Rather, criminal and deviant behavior is learned in the same way all other behaviors are learned. According to Edwin H. Sutherland in his differential association theory, learning comes from interactions between individuals and groups. Individuals commit criminal or deviant acts due to repeated contacts and interactions with criminal activity and the possible lack of contact with noncriminal activity. This explains crime at the level of individual and society. Alex Gibney’s documentary Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer takes an in depth look at the once known New York …show more content…

Being repeatedly surrounded and after criminal activity, it seemed as if Eliot Spitzer was willing to take more risks and willing to do more behaviors that were unacceptable as he enlisted the services and wound up as a client of one of the high-end enterprises. They are politely called escort services, that offered the “girlfriend experience” (as the documentary referred to it as) for approximately $1,000 or more an hour. Spitzer’s power, surroundings, and actions gave him the feeling of invincibility and an attitude where he thought no one could touch him. With so much professional success, failure was the furthest thing in his mind, as if nothing could go wrong for him. The problem became that Spitzer was as dishonest, unprincipled and greedy as his worst enemies as well as those he busted. As Spitzer’s acts of wrongdoing and dishonesty differ from his career commitment to fighting corruption, the escorts involved committed acts that are comparable to what they surround themselves with and learn in the context of their training to be an escort. The apprenticeship of these girls is mainly directed towards developing a clientele. They learn the verbal skills, sexual skills, and situational strategies for handling clients such as Eliot Spitzer. Men visit prostitutes to receive sexual services their wives or lovers perform infrequently or even mediocre. The sexual strategies are taught a mixture of ways

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