
Alexander Hamilton´s Views on Government Essay

Decent Essays

Alexander Hamilton was the architect of the federalist papers and much of the financial structure of America. He was only reluctantly admitted to the rule of the great American thinkers. His prominence as a primary nationalist and financial visionary in the post-revolutionary were truly uncovered in the middle of the twentieth century. Historical evidence points to him being Christian and saying: “I have carefully examined the evidences of the Christian religion, and if I was sitting as a juror upon its authenticity I would unhesitatingly give my verdict in its favor. I can prove its truth as clearly as any proposition ever submitted to the mind of man.” ("Alexander Hamilton") Historians started to reassess his success. He is preeminently …show more content…

When his dream came true, he took the role of artillery captain and served in the battles of Long Island, Trenton, Princeton and White Plains. General Nathanael Green commended Hamilton to Washington, who took him on as assistant in March 1777, but later resigned after a clash with Washington. He continued his dissimilarity in the service in a commanding role in Yorktown. Subsequently when the war ended, he started his legal career. His role in the Annapolis Convention addressing the issues in the interstate commerce clause established him as leading supporter of a robust central government in the new colonies. He established most of the intellectual property to lay the foundation for the federal government.

In the federalist papers he makes a strong argument for nationalism and a strong state. He commented on everything from public administration to foreign affairs. He also laid the groundwork for the Central Bank, but the public’s weak understanding on the subject made it unreasonably difficult. Skipping ahead some to the elections of 1800, his political career was ended at the hands of Aaron Burr. The cause was Hamilton’s electoral support of Thomas Jefferson over Burr. Aaron Burr confronted Hamilton and challenged him to a duel on July 11, 1804 near Weehawken, New Jersey. Burr struck Hamilton in the abdomen mortally wounding him, and Hamilton shot a branch above Burr’s head. He died the following day.

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