
Alexander Maclean Poem

Decent Essays

There was a restless man, so strange and serene,
Who went by the by the name of Alexander Maclean,
Up in the morning before night turns to day,
Working so diligently to earn his weekly pay,
Pushing to the limit to do his very best,
Until cracks and sores come upon his two hard working hands,
For the sake of his family he works so hard to provide,
True love and fidelity to his children and wife,
His dreams are never voiced and his wants are few,
And most of the time his worries go unspoken too,
He woke up every single morning sure that he was dead,
But he couldn't seem to silence all the noise within his head,
Driving to work at 6 am though he could barely use his eyes,
His life is so consumed with the drive of getting high,
In …show more content…

When all there is to eat is sugar and a bowl of rice,
Her words were often slurred and she made little sense,
Eyes bloodshot red and always seemed to be tense,
Just beneath the surface of her pleasant, winning smile,
Was a troubled alcoholic that had been there a while,
The whiskey on her breath could make her small boy

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