
Alexander The Great: Philip II Of Sparta

Decent Essays

Philip II of Macedon was Macedonian who was able to take control of Greece. He was a member of the Argead Dynasty and the son of King Amyntas II. He was educated by Epaminondas, eromenos of Pelopidas, and the father of Philip III and Alexander the Great. Philip II made Macedonia a regional power using military reforms, political plots, and victories on the battlefield. He reformed the military by creating new military units and weapons. The hypaspists and the peltasts were the heavy and light infantry. The hetairoi and the prodromoi were the heavy and light cavalry. They wielded either a sword, called a makhaira, or a lance, called a xyston. The phalangites or pezhetairoi were pikemen. They wielded a sarissa which is a twenty foot pike. Philip

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