On 3/28/16 A Case conference has been conducted with Client Alexandra Almonte #119, along with HS Supervisor Ms. Garland, RS Supervisor Mr. Mitchell and Sr Case Manager Ms. Arias. The reason of this conference was as per client request due to a previous incident that occur on 3/15/16 that a smell of marijuana was coming out from Ms. Almonte unit, which she denied , stating that she did not some her unit and she refused to open her door at moment because she was in the shower. Ms. Almonte received a writer warning from her Case Manager Ms. Arias and that upset her therefore she request a conference with Ms. Arias supervisor. Client was informed by Ms. Garland that Ms. Arias follow protocol for this type of situation. Ms. Almonte understood and
Anna Garcia is a 38-year-old Hispanic female, weighing 165 lbs.; standing 5'4 (64 inches) tall. She was last seen in a grey sweater, walking her dog at 6:30a.m the morning before, by her neighbor, Doug Greene. The same neighbor called police at 9:45a.m claiming that Anna's dog had been barking for approximately two hours and that Anna wasn’t answer the door or calls. She was found DOA lying in her hallway at her house. The body was found at 9: 56 am when police officers broke down her door.
D-This writer met with the patient as he was placed on HOLD to address the status of the IOP. The patient provided this writer a paper that was provided to him with listing of IOP for him to explore. The paper shows scribbles of the patient taking down notes about his attempts of who he called. The patient reports Connecticut Addiction Recovery will call him back within 24-48 hours. The patient was able to schedule an appointment with New Direction for May 20th at 7pm; patient spoke with Dan. This writer commends the patient for all of his efforts; however, the patient needs to schedule something earlier than May 20th. This writer asked the patient about ICRC-Coventry House. According to the patient, he called the contact number and showed proof. The patient reports that ICRC gave him two different number and told him to do a walk-in at 8:30am. This writer shared with the patient about a recent conversation this writer had with ICRC. This writer told the patient
The client arrived on time for his scheduled assessment. CPS caseworker Danita Brown referred the client test positive of illicit substance. The client is 30 years old African American male who is not married. He is the father of 3 children ages 1 month old 1, and 5 years old. He is currently in a relationship with two of the children mother. The client reports there was incident of family violence. The client reports his girlfriend was the one to assault him. Brent reports that he works at Sam Clubs in Pearland and has for the last 3 years. Brent reports three years of colleges. The client reports growing up with his parents, however they divorce later, but they both are supportive. Brent denies any medical or mental health concerns. The
He reports the patient’s roommate was subsequently evicted from his home after the landlord inquired about the ambulance visiting. He reports he contacted her father concerning the patient residing within the family home, but the father has said no. In addition, he reports he has attempted to contact her uncle but has been unable to make contact with him. He reports he has attempted to make contact with her said friend who is considering allowing her the opportunity to reside with her but she has not answered her phone and he has been unable to leave a voice message. He reports no one wants her in their home, and the patient has “burned her bridges” with family members. He reports her family would benefit from counseling. In addition, he reports her family has high expectations of CPS. He reports her current case was not going to close within 12 days of 06/30/2017. In addition, the case will not
CONRAD displayed signs and symptoms of drug impairment and was requested to submit to a series of psychophysical divided attention tests; some of which he was unable to successfully complete. An odor of burnt bath salts emitted from CONRAD'S vehicle and person. He was questioned on the odor of bath salts that I detected and he replied that he was wearing an orange and camouflage sweatshirt earlier when he went to a party at a friend's house. Once he decided to leave he couldn't find his sweatshirt so he just grabbed one. He said the shirt was probably inside the house for a while and they are always smoking bathsalts in there and that is why it smells like bathsalts so bad. CONRAD said "if anything would come back positive in my system it is because I was at my friend's house party and everyone was smoking
On December 15, 2015, after a night spent drinking (approx. 4 pitchers between the client and 2 gentlemen) and watching the Titans playoffs at a local bar, Shooters, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Armstrong’s friend and an aquaintence of the friend went to the client’s home. After arriving at the client’s home, there was an argument about the client’s marijuana – (approximately one and one-half ounce) began and the client was threatened by the acquantence with a kitchen knife. Mr.
In summary, on 09/26/16 at 2220 hours, I assisted Ofc. Drakulich #255 at 3113 S 54th Ave. in regards to a traffic stop. Upon arrival, I made contact with the driver (Lopez, Cristian D.O.B. 08/09/93) of the vehicle (14' Dodge IL IL E822075). I observed signs of impairment on Cristian, he had red, glassy, and bloodshot eyes. While I spoke with Cristian, he had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage and cannabis emanating from his breath and person. Cristian related that he smoked cannabis earlier, but was unable to provide an exact time. Cristian would repeatedly give the response of "yes sir" or "no sir" without being asked any questions.
I made contact with Powell, Jermaine L. DOB 02/02/77, who related he had a verbal argument with his wife (Powell, Denise DOB 02/24/81 over the discipline of their child (Powell, Nathan L. DOB 09/18/12). Jermaine related that Denise has bi-polar disorder and takes medication. Jermaine further related she has mood swings causing them to fight. Jermaine related he and Denise were separated and recently reconciled one (1) month ago. While I having a conversation with Jermaine I observed signs of impairment, he had an odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath and person.
The reporting party (RP) stated that resident Humberto Reis DOB: 3/23/01 DOP: 12/23/15 SCHOOL: Redlands High School disclosed while a staff member's cousin (name unknown) was visiting the staff member the cousin provided the resident with the drug "ecstasy." According to the RP the resident informed the owner of the facility named Sara who informed the resident not to report the incident to his social worker or anyone. He was informed to report everything to her. The resident was left alone on a bad side of town. The resident fearing for his safety contacted the local police department who informed the resident that he should not be alone in that area of the city. The officer arrived (named not provided) who assured the resident he would not
I met with Edgardo and his mother to discuss the progression of the case, also attending this meeting Monica Ortiz, VRC . Edgardo came to the appointment not wearing his hearing aids; he had left them in the car. I expressed concern because Edgardo had agree to wear the hearing aids daily as prescribed. I requested that Edgardo go to the car to get the hearing aids. I emphasized to him the importance of wearing and caring for the devices. We discussed his commitment and need to be compliant and gave the consumer the option to move forward or close the case. The consumer agreed to keep the case open and follow the recommendations. The consumer was told that if at the next meeting, he did not wear the hearing aids that the appointment
Client was considered to be NOT in compliance with treatment during this reporting period. UA results showed the continued marijuana use. Client attended group on 8/2, 8/9, and 8/23. She was absent on 8/16 and 8/30. Self-help support meeting attendance was not provided. Client may be discharged from treatment due to failure to comply with her behavior contact, continued the use of marijuana, and not in compliance with treatment
The client is a 14-year-old Hispanic female in a residential substance abuse treatment rehabilitation center. The client participated in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy anger management group. The client was admitted to the residential program in July of 2016 for her cannabis use. She was referred by Drug Court due to her failure to comply with the program rules. The client has a past of domestic violence and defiant behavior towards her mother and not abiding by curfew.
The implementation of a more autonomous and collaborative approach are the foundation to improve health care outcomes. I believe that patients with limit access to health care or especial populations will benefit the most, if NPs are allow to practice with more autonomy, cooperating with other health care providers.
Presenting Problem: Elijah entered into a four month drug program and was not successful with completion. Due, to testing positive for marijuana or having marijuana in his possession. Client has not been able to take the required urine analysis when asked has discomfort in the presence of another
Client was considered to be in Semi-compliance with treatment during this reporting period. UA was negative for all tested substances since Jan, 2017 (Please see report). Client attended 2 out of 4 scheduled weekly groups. Client was absent on 08/18 & 08/25. Self-reported attended self-help program regularly; attendancy was verified. Client indicated that he has "a very busy schedule in a few weeks, such as going to school, bible study, attending treatment, going to self-help meeting, helping the band, and looking for a job. Client stated that he is fear of going to jail due to non- ccompliance with threatment expectation, stated "I will make sure to attend my treatment and coming to see you." Client is aware the importce to comply with