
Alexis De Tocqueville: The Public School Reform Movement

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Without education, a society would have not have the proper tools needed to produce literature, write documents, or carry out worldly affairs. These shortcomings would lead to bigger problems as other countries advanced in greater educational feats. In 1831, a Frenchman named Alexis de Tocqueville published a book proclaiming America exceptional after observing the American lifestyle firsthand. De Tocqueville is justified in his claim, as the public school reform movement greatly benefited the American society as a whole. Horace Mann, a main educational reformer, can be credited for advocating the need of a uniformed public school system. His persistence and the modifications made during the public school reform movement display America’s …show more content…

The idea of impartiality towards all genders and races was unprecedented and proves the incomparable nature of America. Egalitarianism is an idea that proclaims all people have an equal opportunity. The educational reform movement supported equality by allowing all races and genders to attend. This creates a more universal understanding and respect between different groups of people, even those who may have had issues in the past. A former slave wrote, “The scales of prejudice are beginning to drop from the eyes of the dominant classes South, and … they are beginning to see… the mighty truth that wealth, happiness, and permanent prosperity will only come in proportion as the hand, head, and heart of both races are educated.” The public school reform movement was a vital part in the acceptance of others, regardless of if they were of a dissimilar race or gender. Before the educational reform movement, schools were segregated by social class as well as gender and, often, women and slaves were not allowed to learn how to read or write. Public schools provide education for people that might not have had that opportunity before as well as a universal practice that all classes can relate

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