
Alfred Hitchcock Film Analysis

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Alfred Hitchcock’s attention to detail in his films is one of the many things that makes him one of the most recognized film auteurs of all time. He was very particular what about he wanted seen on screen and how he wanted to get those shots. From camera movements to the things found in the mise-en-scène, Hitchcock was very precise about every little thing that is seen in his on screen worlds. He would strategically place objects throughout the mise-en-scène and have characters wear certain clothing. By doing this, Hitchcock is able to let the audience know things about the characters and the plot without it having to be said on camera. Hitchcock once said that “If it's a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on” (Tiffin). That’s why there’s no surprise that when Hitchcock finally made his first color film, he began to use color as another way of communicating with his audience. Color in films has been around since the early 1900s, though we did not see films being mass produced in color until much later. In 1915 “Technicolor was formed as a corporation”, but it wasn’t until around the 1940s that we started to see “greater use” of color in films (Vacche, 13-17). During this rise of color films, you tended to only see certain genres of films were done in color. Period pieces and musicals were the two genres that were most known for their use of color during this time. Then in the 1950’s the development of “Eastmancolor, a one strip color negative process,” we saw more and more films being done in color (Bitoun). Before the development of Eastmancolor, the process that had to be done to make a film in color was too costly. In the 1930s “color added about 30% to the average production cost of a film” (Bitoun), causing studios to have to pick and choose what movies were going to be made in color. Eastmancolor helped lower those cost, making it much more affordable for filmmakers to make films in color. This lead to filmmakers being able to make more films in color and began to start using color to their advantage.
When people think of Alfred Hitchcock people usually tend to think about his later work, most notably Psycho, North by

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