
Alice M. Walker 's Everyday Use

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Alice M. Walker is an American novelist, short story writer, poet, and activist and wrote the short story, Everyday Use in 1973. Mama is in the yard with her daughter Maggie. They had spent the day before cleaning the yard that they call “comfortable” and “an extended living room” to prepare for their estranged daughter Dee that they have not seen in many years. Mama says that Maggie will be nervous throughout the stay of her sister due to her scars from the house fire. Mama foresees an idealistic reunion with her well to do daughter. Mama explains that she is a heavy set woman, big boned, rough working man hands. Dee was sent to Augusta to school, Mama and others helped finance to help her go. Dee became arrogant, prideful, scornful, and resentful of her family. They stood to their backs to the house and waited for Dee’s arrival. When they see Dee approach Maggie tries to flee back to the house but Mama calls her back. Mama sees Dee’s exit along with a short stocky man out of the vehicle. Dee then takes a picture of the two woman in the yard with a Polaroid camera. Dee explains that she has changed her name to Wangero to a name that is more connected to her African roots. They go to the kitchen and Dee sees objects that to most are ordinary old objects and she wants. She especially wanted the things Uncle Buddy had made. After they ate Dee and Mama went to a trunk at the foot of the bed and Dee pulls out old quilts made by Dee’s grandmother. Dee askes if she could have

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