
Alice Munro 's Lives Of Girls And Women Essay

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“Sex seemed to me to all surrender—not the woman’s to the man but the person’s to the body, an act of pure faith, freedom in humility.” Alice Munro’s Lives of Girls and Women explores the turbulent journey of sexuality and growth for a female. Specifically in chapters “Lives of Girls and Women” and “Baptizing”, Del experiences severe uncertainty in the adventure of growing up, unable to adequately synchronize her personal desires with the expectations of women in Jubilee. In a pivotal time in Del’s development, she describes sex as a form of exclusive personal experience, saying “sex seemed to me to all surrender—not the woman’s to the man but the person’s to the body, an act of pure faith, freedom in humility .” As a means of rejecting the imposing values Jubilee has in mind for women, Del isolates herself and internalizes her true thoughts and beliefs; rather than surrendering to a man, or surrendering to another at all, Del stays true to her values by exclusively surrendering to herself. As this method does effectively resist conformity, it also prohibits Del’s growth, as well. By analyzing Del’s growth before, during and after her sexual relationships, one can see that Del’s internalization of her thoughts maintains her discomfort with herself and keeps her growth stagnant. Before divulging into Del’s sexual encounters, one must thoroughly understand her internalization as a personal obstacle. Del exhibits immense confusion and repulsion towards the body, which

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