
Alice Munro 's ' The Amber Of The Moment '

Decent Essays

“Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why” (Vonnegut 76-77). There are notable depictions of a sense of entrapment among protagonists in works such as Alice Munro’s Dimension and Train. In these short stories, the central characters, Doree and Jackson suffer from a sensation of feeling trapped, due to their life experiences, which ultimately leads them becoming motivated to go onto the next chapter of their lives. There are overlapping themes and writing styles in each story, therefore accentuating the similarities between the experiences of Doree and Jackson, and bring the two stories closely together, evoking strong emotions and pathos within the reader. Thematically, Munro shows parallel ones in both Dimension and Train, with the most prominent ones being isolation, and relationships with family members and its affiliation with sexuality and gender. Munro’s writing style rings identical in both stories as well, as each one incorporates the use of flashbacks, once again implementing a way to compare the characters, as the flashbacks provide explanations for being emotionally confined. Lastly, a prominent technique used is the way in which each story ends abruptly, stimulating a response in the reader of wanting more to the story, as the endings both foreshadow a start to a new life, although Doree breaks free whereas Jackson seemingly follows his cycle as a result from feeling trapped. Isolation is a theme that is largely present in both Dimension

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