
Alice Walker Everyday Use Summary

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In the late 1960’s to early 70’s, African Americans had a momentous struggle with their identity in the American public. During those times, the people tried strenuously for the American public to acknowledge the history that African American’s had with them. Scholars began digging for portions of African heritage left over from the slave times. Because of this, there were many revivals amongst the African Americans to connect as equal to the American society and not lose touch with its history. Alice Walker created a short story “Everyday Use” which shows a simple afternoon visit from one of her daughters, but outlines the struggles that African Americans had with adjusting to society after so much oppression. Walker shows the people who decide to remain in simple, easy lives and the others who strive to create a name for themselves and break free of the chains that …show more content…

Mama and Maggie love Dee, because she is a daughter and sister, but like any family, there is conflict between these characters. Mama shows Dee as someone who others were “impressed with her they worshiped the well-turned phrase, the cute shape, the scalding humor that erupted like bubbles in Iye” (Wakler, p.29) but also as someone who criticizes deeply and without hesitation. Dee was constantly searching for the meaning of her life, whether it was through clothing or social life, but in doing so, leaving her family behind. With Dee running off to begin her life, she left wounds with Mama and Maggie, so that in her return, there would be friction. Mama and Maggie searched for Dee’s approval and even admired her for chasing life so fervently, despite that they both had chosen to live simple lives at home, but Dee does not care for giving her approval nor she does care that her mother and sister want it. This creates Dee as heartless and selfish. Mama even goes so far as to depict Dee as thinking herself too great a person for her

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