
Alice Walker Heritage

Decent Essays

Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use” involves the matriarch of an African American family having heritable issues with her daughter on the true essence of their familial history. Mama, Dee (Wangero), and Maggie personalities and characteristics each symbolize different aspects of heritage. Heritage is important to the characters because it gives them a culture, however, an issue arises when Dee has a different view of heritage from Mama and Maggie. Wangero adopts an idealistic heritage and simultaneously rejects her family’s culture.
Maggie is a recluse burn victim who envies her older sister and craves for her approval. Upon the arrival of her sister Dee, Maggie asks her mother, “‘How do I look, Mama?’” (471). Maggie is uneasy to see Dee and wants to receive her acceptance. Mama notices Maggie’s agitation in acknowledging, …show more content…

Maggie reveres Dee and sees her in a place that is unobtainable for herself. Maggie’s introverted, quiet, subservient character reflects the treatment the family heritage receives from Wangero. She is silencing and suppressing her familial heritage out of her life. Maggie represents the family heritage because both are disrespected, unacknowledged, and devalued by Wangero. Wangero even insults Maggie’s intelligence when she states, “‘ She’d probably be backward enough to put [the quilts] to everyday use’” (477). She is implying that Maggie is incapable of appreciating the family heirloom by using it for its intended purpose. Maggie and the family heritage are subordinate to Wangero’s judgement and newfound education of ancestry. Wangero taunts Maggie and her family heritage in saying, “‘ You ought to try to make something of yourself, too, Maggie. It’s

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